The Pollinator Report

A Webinar Series

Learn from the experts in our live webinar series

The Pollinator Report.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 8
”Harvest Party Edition”

Dr. Natalie Boyle is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Entomology at Penn State University. She is the coordinator for educational programming at Penn State’s Center for Pollinator Research and oversees the development of public workshops and classes in pollinator-friendly landscaping, beekeeping, and insect conservation. Prior to joining PSU in 2019, she was a post-doctoral entomologist for the USDA-ARS Logan Bee Lab, studying solitary bee biology and management for use in commercial pollination. Before that, she earned her M.S. and Ph.D. in entomology from Washington State University, where she studied honey bee health and colony performance in agricultural landscapes.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 7
”What’s the buzz? Catching Up with the Latest Native Bee Research”

For more than 20 years, Dr. Olivia Carril has been studying native bees and the plants they visit. Recent evidence hints at a possible decline in native bees species in North America. Olivia has been involved in several long-term bee monitoring projects throughout wester North America where nearly 75% of the US bee species are found.

Joseph Wilson grew up in Utah and was biologically inclined from birth, in fact at the age of two he declared to his parents that he wanted to be a lion when he grew up. While he didn’t quite make it to lionhood, his academic studies in biology at Utah State University provided the training to be the next best thing: a professor of biology. His research focuses primarily on the evolution and ecology of bees and wasps. As a way to share his fascinations, Joseph and Olivia wrote The Bees in Your Backyard: A Guide to North America's Bees.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 9
”Behind the Scenes of Blooms for Mason Bees”

Dr. Michele Mansfield is the Director of the Honey and Pollen Diagnostic Lab (HDPL) at Penn State University (PSU). Mansfield has 20+ years of experience designing and deploying analytical chemical and molecular assays. In April of 2021 she joined the Grozinger Lab to develop and launch the PSU HPDL.

Dr. Michelle Lee is a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Honey and Pollen Diagnostic Lab. As a community ecologist she studies interactions between plants and their pollinators. She joined the Honey and Pollen Diagnostic Lab in October 2023 to contribute to ongoing efforts to analyze and visualize bee foraging data.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 10
”How to Design a Bee-Friendly Garden that Pollinators Love”

Sara Wittenberg is the Bee Friendly Garden Manager at Pollinator Partnership. She has a BS in Zoology (Auburn University), where she examined causes of mortality of birds of prey admitted to a rehabilitation facility, and a MS in Biology (University of Arkansas), where she explored the natal origins of migratory Merlins and Northern Harriers. Her experience includes interning at the national zoo in Costa Rica; directing the rehab program at the Southeastern Raptor Center; co-running a HawkWatch banding station in the Florida Keys; tracking gopher tortoise movements at Fort Benning, GA; conducting breeding bird surveys for the USFS; conducting Sandhill Crane/Sage-Grouse surveys for the USFWS; and assisting with Cornell University’s search for the (extinct?) Ivory-billed Woodpecker. As a secondary education teacher, she believes strongly in sharing her passion for the natural world with the next generation of conservationists. In her free time, Sara enjoys reading, hiking, birding, traveling, gardening, and exploring the beautiful Ozark mountains with her husband, two children, and dog.

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The Pollinator Report: Episode 6
”A Shared Journey with Plants, Pollinators, and Beyond; Observations by a Horticulturist and Entomologist”

Joe Boggs is an Associate Professor at The Ohio State Department of Entomology. Joe has 29 years of Extension experience specializing in tree and shrub diagnostics and pest management with a focus on non-native invasives and has served as a state-wide specialist. Before the pandemic, Joe averaged more than 100 teaching presentations per year. Joe is a frequent contributor to magazines including Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) Magazine, Landsculptor (Michigan Green Industry Association), the Buckeye Arborist (Ohio Green Industry Association), and the Canadian Groundskeeper, as well as the Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (BYGL) blog. Joe’s weekly radio segment "Buggy Joe Boggs Report" runs from April through October on the Saturday morning show, “In the Garden with Ron Wilson,” (iHeartRadio: WKRC, Cincinnati; News Radio 610 WTVN, Columbus). The Cincinnati show is syndicated to 34 radio stations in 12 states.

Currently the Director of Horticulture at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Steve Foltz has been with the zoo for more than 32 years. He has taught at both Cincinnati State and the University of Cincinnati including more than 54 plant-related college courses like Woody Plant Identification, Herbaceous Plants, Sustainable Plants, and Sustainable Landscapes. Steve is an original founding member of the Theodore Klein Plant Awards Committee in Kentucky and has remained on the committee since its inception in 1995. He received the 2016 Distinguished Contribution Award from the Ohio Green Industry Association. Steve is co-founder of a website featuring more than 2,000 photos and over 1,200 specific plants.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 5
”Seasonal Bees at Your Service”

Theresa Pitts-Singer is a Research Entomologist at the USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit in Logan, Utah. Her 18+ years of research on alfalfa leafcutting bees and blue orchard bees focuses on bee reproduction during crop pollination, on chemical cues that affect bee behavior, and on effects of certain pesticides on bees. She is co-editor of the book “Bee Pollination in Agricultural Ecosystems,” is co-author of 2 patents on bee-related products, and has published over 45 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including her work with professional colleagues, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 4
”5 Life Lessons from the World of Bees”

Dr. Dino J. Martins is a Kenyan entomologist and evolutionary biologist, is currently the Executive Director of the Mpala Research Centre and a Research Scholar and Lecturer in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 3
”Taking the Pulse of Pollinators: How do we Document Decline of Tiny Bees on Large Landscapes?”

For more than 20 years, Dr. Olivia Carril has been studying native bees and the plants they visit. Recent evidence hints at a possible decline in native bees species in North America. Olivia has been involved in several long-term bee monitoring projects throughout wester North America where nearly 75% of the US bee species are found.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 2
”Learn How Bees are a Sweet Link for Coexistence and Sustainable Development in Gorongosa National Park”

Dominique Gonçalves is a Mozambican ecologist focused on elephant conservation working in Gorongosa National Park. She currently manages Gorongosa’s Elephant Ecology Project, investigating elephant movement and range expansion in relation to habitat use and human-elephant conflict. Working with communities, law enforcement and sustainable development colleagues, Gonçalves hopes to build coexistence between communities and wildlife throughout Gorongosa National Park’s buffer zone.

Thane Maynard is one of the most prominent directors of zoos across the country and is internationally known for his innovation and dedication to wildlife preservation, research and education. Maynard is recognized as well for building both educational and research partnerships between the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and University of Cincinnati.

The Pollinator Report: Episode 1
”The Wild Bees of Cincinnati: Learning about Tiny Bees that Live in the Big City”

Dr. Olivia Carril has been studying native bees and the plants they visit for more than 20 years. Recent evidence has hinted at a possible decline in native bees species in North America. Olivia has been involved in several long-term bee monitoring projects throughout wester North America where nearly 3/4 of the U.S. bee species are found.

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