Botanical Bee Blend™ Wildflower Seed Mix
The bees have spoken! Meet Botanical Bee Blend™, the first science-backed seed mix designed for Midwestern pollinators that blooms all season long.
This Osmia Bee Company proprietary seed mix is specifically designed for nature’s best pollinators – bees! All plants in this mix are utilized by native bees and adapted for the North Central region. We selected plants that flower at different times to provide bees with food resources for the entire growing season. Spring-flowering plants are emphasized to support early flying pollinators like blue orchard bees and queen bumble bees.
Covers up to 250 square feet.
Click here for planting instructions.
Click here for in-depth instructions (for the advanced gardener).
Learn more about the research project that developed the Botanical Bee Blend™.
The bees have spoken! Meet Botanical Bee Blend™, the first science-backed seed mix designed for Midwestern pollinators that blooms all season long.
This Osmia Bee Company proprietary seed mix is specifically designed for nature’s best pollinators – bees! All plants in this mix are utilized by native bees and adapted for the North Central region. We selected plants that flower at different times to provide bees with food resources for the entire growing season. Spring-flowering plants are emphasized to support early flying pollinators like blue orchard bees and queen bumble bees.
Covers up to 250 square feet.
Click here for planting instructions.
Click here for in-depth instructions (for the advanced gardener).
Learn more about the research project that developed the Botanical Bee Blend™.
The bees have spoken! Meet Botanical Bee Blend™, the first science-backed seed mix designed for Midwestern pollinators that blooms all season long.
This Osmia Bee Company proprietary seed mix is specifically designed for nature’s best pollinators – bees! All plants in this mix are utilized by native bees and adapted for the North Central region. We selected plants that flower at different times to provide bees with food resources for the entire growing season. Spring-flowering plants are emphasized to support early flying pollinators like blue orchard bees and queen bumble bees.
Covers up to 250 square feet.
Click here for planting instructions.
Click here for in-depth instructions (for the advanced gardener).
Learn more about the research project that developed the Botanical Bee Blend™.
Some things to remember:
Annual plants are included for first year color and foraging for pollinators. Some perennial plants may need a few growing seasons to fully establish.
This mix is great for gardeners, backyard beekeepers, farmers, orchardists, or anyone wanting to provide foraging resources for bees the entire growing season.
10% of Botanical Bee Blend™ sales are donated to Pollinator Partnership to support pollinator education through their Bee Friendly Gardening program.
Included Wildflower Species:
Allium cernuum – nodding wild onion
Aster novae-angliae – New Endland aster
Aster pilosus – frost aster
Astragalus canadensis – Canadian milk vetch
Baptisia alba (leucantha) – white wild indigo
Baptisia australis – blue false indigo
Chamaecrista fasciculata – partridge pea
Coreopsis lanceolata – lanceleaf coreopsis
Dalea candida – white prairie clover
Dalea purpurea – purple prairie clover
Echinacea purpurea – purple coneflower
Gaillardia aristate – blanket flower
Gaillardia pulchella – Indian blanket
Geum canadense – white avens
Mertensia virginica – Virginia bluebells
Monarda citriodora – lemon mint
Monarda fistulosa – wild bergamot
Nemophila menziesii – baby blue eyes
Penstemon digitalis – foxglove beardtongue
Pycnanthemum incanum – hoary mountain mint
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium – narrow leaved mountain mint
Pycnanthemum virginianum – Virginia mountain mint
Ratibida columnifera – upright coneflower
Ratibida pinnata – yellow coneflower
Rudbeckia hirta – black-eyed susan
Solidago nemoralis – old field goldenrod
Solidago rigida – stiff goldenrod
Trifolium incarnatum – crimson clover
Trifolium repens – white clover
Verbena hastata – blue verbena
Verbena stricta – hoary verbena
Zizia aurea – golden Alexanders
Product Details
Growing zones: Ideal for the North Central region but contains some wildflower species that will grow throughout the continental United States. The Botanical Bee Blend is appropriate for Zones 3-7, which covers most of the United States. You may have success in other zones, but will likely need additional resources. Click here to learn more about stratification.
Flower colors: Red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, purple, white.
Height: Ranges from 1 to 5 feet.
Coverage: up to 250 sq. ft.
Light Requirements: Full sun to part shade. Will handle some shade but ideally 6 hours of sunlight per day.
Bloom Time: Spring through Fall.
Plant Type: Annuals and perennials.
Attracts: Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.
Days to emerge: 2-to-3-year establishment for the mix. The clovers will emerge first in 14-21 days. The annuals typically take weeks to get going the first season as they like warmer soil temps. You may opt to put an extra annual mix with the Botanical Bee Blend to help with first year color.
Seed depth: 1/8” – ¼” deep.
Seed spacing: 1 ounce of seed covers 250 square feet.
Thinning: You may cut the area back in the late fall or early spring, but it is not necessary. The dead stalks are good habitat but you may prefer a cleaner aesthetic.
Soil Hydrology: Dry to Mesic. Avoid areas that pool water for long periods of time.